Happy Easter!
Before I forget, the sweetest thing happened a couple of weeks ago, and I forgot to blog about it. I was lying (is it laying or lying?) in bed having some rest time, and Jon David was playing quietly (since they have gotten older, we have graduated to "quiet play time" in the afternoons. This gives me a chance to lie down and rest too.) He wrote me a note, and placed it quietly on top of the blanket that was covering me in bed. He said Mom, you have mail -- or something like that. I brushed him off because I was so sleepy. I said I would read it later, after quiet time. Anyway, by the time I got up, I forgot about it, and threw the blanket off to get out of bed. Later that night, before I turned out the light, I found it. This is it:
Here is how it should be read: Top left pic is of Jon David (wearing a shirt with a J on it) with a sad face. Under this pic, in the left column (you will notice that the page is divided into two columns): I aem sad win yoe er not with me. (interpretation: I am sad when you are not with me).
Top right pic is of Jon David with a happy face and me with a happy face (wearing an "m" shirt). Caption for this pic in the right column: I aem hape win yoe er with me. (I am happy when you are with me). Oh yea, definitely teared up on that one! I went into his room, even though he was already asleep, touched his hand, and thanked him for the note! And then thanked him again the next day too. ;)
Luke started soccer on Saturday! It was so much fun to watch him. He and Jon David are such good buds, but they are very different children in many ways. Jon David seemed a little more tentative when he first started playing sports. Of course, in his defense, he's the first kid. Luke has been dying to go out there like big brother for a while. Well, he did great! He loved kicking the ball into the goal. He would dart out there ahead of the other kids as they played Red Light, Green Light. But he also did a good job of listening to his coach. He learned how to stop the ball by putting his foot on top and everything. It was a lot of fun. And sweet Jon David cheered for him from the side (with his very enthusiastic mother, of course! Don was enthusiastic, too, but I think we all know that I can take enthusiasm to a different level than Don can...lol... especially when it comes to JD and Luke).
A random picture of us playing hide and seek one day this week:
Found em in my closet! :)
A picture of Luke doing a puppet show with his favorite Teddy Bear:
Wilmore had its own Community Easter Egg hunt on Saturday. It was chilly, but still enjoyable. The boys had a great time. They even got to try sack racing for the first time!
They also did a bean bag toss, an Easter hat craft, and one other activity. But the highlight was by far hunting for eggs. I went with Luke and Don went with JD... Hmmmm... wonder what it's going to be like when we're outnumbered by the kids? And can I just say that the wait before an Easter Egg hunt is torture at best? Thankfully, the boys are old enough now to not go balistic, but I still feel bad for the toddlers and twos and their parents! It's kind of funny how much we do "for our kids" that they end up 1) hating and 2) making us miserable for attempting! I still remember taking Jon David to the Winny the Pooh ride at Disney World when he was 18 months old, and him crying in line... The highlight of the theme park for him by far was the escalator at Epcot, and Tom Sawyer Island. Shoot, for the price, give me the mall or an outdoor park anyday! I'm sure they would enjoy it more now... I digress.
At home, playing with said Egg Hunt prizes, and other miscelaneous back yard activities:
... snips and snails and puppy dog tails, that's what little boys are made of!
Here is pic of my sweet husband doing multitasking: Talking on the phone, and practicing his golf swing--the latter of which he has not attempted in any backyard we have had except this one. I love the space behind our townhouse!
Easter morning! The anticipation:
And the easter baskets! And yes, I hid them, just like Mom used to do when we were little. Don said Wendy hid his basket too, when he was a boy. He remembers searching the Easter grass for Star Wars figures. So I couldn't resist getting them each a Star Wars dude.
Mom, they loved their cars!!! Above is Luke holding one of his.
Jon David has not really latched on to Santa Clause much. I think it's partly my fault. For a variety of reasons, when he was young, I was sort of "anti" the whole idea of Santa--especially in encouraging kids to believe in him. I was very literal, and felt that it was not beneficial to confuse them in their belief in God--who is real, of course. Anyway, I have eased up on that a bit. I think I began to ease up around Easter time one year. Maybe this has nothing to do with JD, but for whatever reason, he believes in the Easter bunny. Easter is his favorite holiday. He said once that it is because the Easter bunny gives him something that has to do with God. Last year, I got him a new bible for his Easter basket. I guess it really left an impression on him. So of course, Don and I couldn't resist doing it again this year!... I know, I know, my "small Easter" sort of grew. They ended up with quite a few "little things."
Well, at some point this morning, after they found their Easter treats, I was sitting in the kitchen with both boys. Jon David said "the Easter bunny really thought about us." Luke said, "yea, he did." It was sweet. Later today, Jon David asked me if any of the disciples were still alive. I told him: "no, but where do you think they are?" "In heaven, he said, I can't wait to meet them." Sweet boy.
OK, just in case you think we have the perfect fam, and everything goes "storybook well" all the time, never you fear! Don and I felt both boys be a little disappointed after they had discovered all of their toys--a little bit of a "that's it?" kind of thing. Jon David declared that one of his toys was better than Luke's, and each of them wanted to play with something that the other one had at different times. And, to top it off, Don and I got into an argument about how hyper they were being on the way to church! Then, since we were trying out a new church, we couldn't find it, and almost went home. Thankfully, we found it, because me and my prego emotions were about to go down hill pretty drasticlly if we missed church on Easter Sunday! I mean, how in the world can you feel spiritual if you miss this one, right? :)
Like I said, we found it. The boys liked their classes, and there was ANOTHER easter egg hunt after services. Yay! This time, Don went with Luke, and I went with JD.
Happy Easter everyone!
Changing of the Guard
10 months ago
I love reading his little notes to you!! So cute!! Your pictures are GREAT! :)