Here go all the cliches: I can't believe my baby's one!; Time flies; They grow up so fast; It seemed like just yesterday... ;etc, etc. Feel free to add yours.
The much celebrated milestone came and went: less eventfully than my older two, might I add. With Jon David, I remember having a full on Bob the Builder party--decor and all. With Luke, it was Elmo. Poor Caleb. I don't even think I blew up a balloon. But we did have our wonderful friends the Smiths to help celebrate (more on their visit in an upcoming post!). And I must say, the simple party was really nice!
I highly recommend it.
Unfortunately, we are suspecting a dairy allergy of some sort with Caleb, so although I had planned on yellow cake w/chocolate icing (a Caulley fav), everyone was able to partake except for the birthday boy. But NEVER YOU FEAR! I made Caleb his very own cake: angel food. And I think he liked it!
Notice me holding his hand back (above).
Here he is seeing his new Pooh fire truck riding toy.
Below is a clip from the small party. I get a huge kick out of Caleb swaying back and forth when he hears music that he likes!! :)
Don should not be permitted to sing on camera!